-The Visionary Enlightened Soul-

-The Visionary Enlightened Soul-
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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Exiting Virgo (unfortunately), Entering Libra.

Well well weeelll I have made it safely through the Virgo season, as Clarice would call it haha. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BREE!!! You wanna hear about this friendship? I have known Bree for pretty much 13 or so years! I met her in the 1st grade and we have been cool ever since! She's my level-headedness :)

Now, let's get to something serious. I have been at this community college for a few months now (attended there this summer in June..HEY ALLISON GURL lol). But, I have been telling people that I want to go back to Hampton after this semester is over.....but I don't have the same conviction I once had for the place. For example, my obligation to the band is not turning into an obligation at all. People are saying the band sucks.....not a good look Force. :( This is not to say that band is bad, but it sure as hell is time-consuming, and let's just say I couldn't perfectly balance the two.

Currently, I am....in transition. I didn't exactly wander away from HU. They kinda fucked up but I can't exactly blame them. There was a discrepancy with my summer credits. Yeah. But now I gotta pay $35 to send them the readmission fee? What?? Eh....this is what you get when you play by their rules.

I'm just glad I'm able to focus on the now rather than the future. I'm definitely taking it one step at a time. I'm still progressing to May 2012 and beyond!! :)

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