Being on the down low isn't fair to anyone. Get it together fellow black men.
This can be a completely irrelevant and disgusting topic for some, but I guess that makes it more interesting to cover, doesn't it? Especially for a black male like myself where some people consider being gay the ultimate sin. And it's funny because I've never been a complete outright homophobe, and I definitely don't advocate that you should hate anyone. Sometimes they're just a bit too fabulous for me lol. And that's ok because they aren't afraid to be themselves!
However, there's this term called being "on the down low" and that is a problem. It's immoral, first of all, and it's unfair, second of all. It's horrible how infidelity can be at the forefront of lust. Yet and still it is more than a brotha being on the down low. Whites are getting up there too....but it doesn't matter. Wrong is wrong is wrong is wrong!!! Cheating is wrong (and embarrassing if you should happen to get caught) and it doesn't really justify anything but insecurity. Dang......
It makes me want to analyze this love thing now....and while lust has knocked at my door too many times, I realize that love is powerful. It's not boastful either :) And I've heard that when you do it right, you float off the ground....hmm :)
But back to this startling issue.....homosexuality is not accepted by everyone. People have their misconceptions about what it's like and what is looks like. I think that people should be able to live their lives as freely as they should. It's hard enough not being white....right? Wait.............what? Yeah, I probably shouldn't say that only because, well, there are some white people who do have it hard...right?
Gee....I find myself straying from the topic once again. Here are my final thoughts about this issue.
1) Don't cheat and DEF. don't get caught cheating.
2) Gay people are people too. Think of how you would feel if you knew someone would want to kill you because you sleep with someone of the same sex. I mean REALLY THINK about that.
3) You don't have to be afraid of what you are at any time during your existence on Earth, especially when you have something to be thankful for, like breathing right now as you read this. Appreciate and welcome in the blessings. Love yourself and the possibilities are endless :D
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