-The Visionary Enlightened Soul-

-The Visionary Enlightened Soul-
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Minor Key Mood

Monday, March 8, 2010

Ron the Tactician

Today is Monday. I feel positive that this week will be a great one. Mondays are never easy, but they prepare you for the rest of the week, I think. With that said, I would like to maybe hint at the meaning of this title. Me, the tactician. =) I feel as though my mindset allows me to think critically in situations that would render others impatient or frivolous. Are you thinking clearly about your situation? Of course, there is always the possibility of the lingering mistake, but do your thoughts actually have substance? Do they make sense? I've always been careful because my thoughts will become actions, actions; habits and habits; character. My thought of the day is this. Think your way out of everything. Your mind is a great asset to your life if you use it properly! That's what I think anyway :)

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