-The Visionary Enlightened Soul-

-The Visionary Enlightened Soul-
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Friday, April 16, 2010

Day of Silence

Today, April 16th, is the Day of Silence. As the website says, hundreds of thousands of students nationwide take a vow of silence to bring attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment in their schools. 

I did this senior year, and it wasn't easy but it was for a good cause, considering the way I've seen LGBT people treated over the years. Even though I didn't do it this year, I am STILL in FULL support for this cause. As if being a black man in America isn't hard enough.

When I was in high school, I was called gay a lot. And I still am. So just from experience I would support a cause like this. Luckily, I wasn't bullied to a pulp. However, there are kids & teenagers that are afraid to go to schools because they are persecuted for being gay. Such a travesty considering that kids go to school to learn and NOT for seldom anything else......

It sucks when people feel they can't be themselves, you know? Everyone on earth is entitled to the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, right? And when that pursuit of happiness is taken away, what is the end result? 

What happens when unalienable rights are brought back "down to earth", so to speak? 

Today, the Day of Silence acknowledges those who have been persecuted for being gay, being a lesbian, bisexual and transgendered, or simply LGBT. So people take a vow of silence for 24 hours. If you know someone who has been persecuted, then why not? And it's not just LGBT either as it says on the website....does Carl Walker-Hoover ring a bell? He took his life from being bullied. Why are people so obsessed with identifying others? To me, homophobia is sickening. It's an expression of spreading HATE. NOTHING MORE. The thing is, people are STUPID and don't realize the consequences of their actions until afterwards.

So, I'll close by saying this. Unalienable rights-intact. Stupidity-exiled, but people refuse to learn from their mistakes. Silence-golden. =) 

-Ron says let's live and leave hatred alone. 

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